May 4, 2012

Ice hockey wine

I mentioned earlier on Facebook that the design for the official white wine for the ice hockey world championships may have the worst graphic design in a wine bottle ever.

Well here it is:

I understand the reasons behind making these promotional wines - MONEY. At least they are not even trying to produce quality wine, just by looking at the bottle and reading the mysterious, yet lazy "Produced using grapes grown in Italy" and the well-at-least-you'll-get-drunk "it will make every game - whether win or lose - an enjoyable one!" everything starts to fall into place. I'm guessing there is enough marketing research done to determine that hockey fans have a need for wine at the event, but do not give a shit what they are drinking. Having an official event or restaurant tailored wine may be concidered a service - yeah, if it's a good quality wine made with some thought. It's a radical comparison, but hell, I'll make it - An amazingly good restaurant in Helsinki called Farang made a really good quality red with Australian producer Hewitson, of "Miss Harry" fame. Now theres an example how to do it! Unfortunately there isn't many positive examples like this, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. I would love to hear more success stories in this area.

Oh, and anybody remember that terrible HIFK Merlot from a few years back? What is it with ice hockey and bad wines?

On a side note, I plan to do what the wine tells me to. Watch an ice hockey game and get drunk. After that I can see if it was enjoyable even though Finland loses. I seriously doubt that.

Go team Finland! "yay!"

Oh, and it was awful - Sodastream ftw!

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